Jesse Watters Primetime : FOXNEWSW : July 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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probably the most deficit san diego state to the swamp. >> exactly, no. the crack in the foundation of the administrative state began with their rejecting chevron deference, jason. and if donald trump wins and i hope that he will, day one, he continues to dismantle the administrative state. he says he wants to drain the swamp. the foundation of the swamp is the state. break the state, you drain the swamp, you get a chance to restore the republic and the chevron deference rejection is a massive step in the right direction. >> jason: ned ryun, thank you so much for joining us. all right, that's it for us tonight. i'm jason chaffetz in for laura ingraham. it's been a pleasure doing this. i hope you have a wonderful fourth of july weekend. i hope can you check out my book "the puppeteers." "jesse watters primetime" takes it from here. ♪ [ ♪♪ ]

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>> fox news alert and welcome to a special edition of jesse watters prime time supreme court issuing a historic ruling today that former president trump cannot be prosecuted for official actions taken as president but he can in private acts chief justice writing for the majority, no immunity for unofficial acts and not everything the president does is official in a 63 ruling, determined some of trump's actions 2020 election were in fact official acts but some in the lower court for fact-finding but without wasting any time, guess what president biden using the decision to reinvigorate -- reinvigorate brazen attacks on the highest court as moments ago he said this. >> this nation founded on the principle that there are no

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kings in america each of us equal before the law and no one is above the law even the president of the united states and today the supreme court decision a presidential immunity that fundamentally changed for kayleigh: all practical purposes today's decision most certainly believes virtually no limits on what the president can do and a fundamentally knew principal and it's a dangerous precedent. because the power of the office no longer constrained by the law even including the supreme court of the united states and the only limit self imposed by the president alone in this decision today to continue the courts attack in recent years on a wide range of long established principles from gutting voting rights and civil rights to taking away woman's right to choose to today's decision that

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undermines the rule of the law of this nation. >> kayleigh: that is not true this is what chief justice john roberts wrote in his opinion "the president is not above the law and that's the exact opposite of what president biden just showed us. it doesn't end there "chuck schumer labelled the supreme court the maga scotus and house minority leader jeffries said" the extreme far right justices must be brought in to compliance and what does that even mean? former house speaker said supreme court place itself on trial with this decision. and then you have the former democratic nominee for president, hillary clinton stepping out of the shadows to cast doubt on the maggot wing of the supreme court. i thought these were the folks

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that wanted to demand democracy and a sounds more like damning the supreme court and the third of the federal government and right on cue media throwing away any semblance of impartiality by inventing a panic. >> what you have here the supreme court imposing its judgement that principle we must have a bold and decisive presidents more important than the principle we should have presidents that obey the law. >> they have decreed him a king. >> these black and white umpire jerseys look like they're wearing red jerseys or even maga and more like license to the thug that you can do whatever you want in the supreme court can get away with it and that is very frightening. >> kayleigh: meanwhile democrat appointed justices voiced their consent with the gusto of a teen vogue columnists as justice sotomayor writing in part captured days decision to

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advance presidential a moon unity reshapes the presidency and makes a mockery of the principal foundational to our constitution and system of government that no man is above the law with fear for our democracy i dissent. i'd be fearful of all the people questioning the supreme court but here we are. justice sotomayor alluding to absurd hypotheticals about navy seals assassinations and military coups giving the green light to the left to bring life into those dangerous what if scenarios. >> presumably to use seal seem six to assassinate one of the political opponents so long as he did it through the offence of the presidency to use the nsa to investigate the biden's as a national security threat and many to go ahead and assassinate them when they take a foreign trip and use drones to assassinate them in a foreign country use seal team six to get them like they got as long as

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you do it through the official apparatuses of the presidency, you can do it. >> kayleigh: what'd i just watch democrat online influencers do not want to miss out and they are on the same disturbing pages of dozens of accounts musing about high-profile assassinations with some calling for president biden to "take action against donald trump." truly despicable behaviour from the left and the biden harris campaign held an emergency press conference where they attacked the rule of law claiming trump thinks he's above the law and willing to do anything he can to gain and hold on to power for himself campaign doing everything they can to plant the seeds of fear in the minds of the american people just in case biden loses in november. >> to use legal terms to stay in the supreme court that i am scared to believe and i think americans are scared and should be scared what donald trump will do because he's been telling us for months and i can reassure

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you when you see president biden on the trail, talking about the reasons why america should be scared of donna -- donald trump and what the supreme court are doing. >> kayleigh: democrats contorted our legal system were the win in a courtroom the losses of massive disinformation campaigns in the hopes of ramping up voter turnout with our vulnerable american institutions pay the price. speaker of the house mike johnson joins me now and it's really a pleasure to have you. we just heard from president biden and he said the american people dissent, i dissent and let's see. >> what we're seeing tonight is despicable and dangerous as the president trying to undermine our legal system first weaponizing the department of justice to go off his chief political opponent which is donald trump and now it doesn't work the way they planned or designed it when the law gets in

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the way of what they're trying to do and now trying to undermine the supreme court itself and it truly is an unprecedented moment in american history and at a dangerous time. president biden showed the country he's unfit to show the office and does not have the capacity or mental acuity to do it and so desperate that he's willing to turn on the system of justice itself and it's really remarkable. >> kayleigh: speaker johnson, year democratic counterpart had a curious quote talking about the extreme far right justices being brought in to compliance and what does that mean? >> i have no idea and all sorts of hyperbole tonight this fantastical hypotheticals they have made up that future presidents will turn into assassins is madness.

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the president and the vice president in their system elected by all the people and no one who is elected to the office will be prone to this crazy criminal activity and what court is saying follows common sense and the constitution as well as you have to have the president with the ability to make difficult decisions hourly and daily and not be worried about growth prosecutors going after them in the future as the president can't offer if they have that hanging over his head and that's very simply with the court ruled today and it should have been nine dashes zero but only 63 but liberal justices playing along with the charade and i think it is a scary thing to undermine the court. >> kayleigh: in the wake of the debate performance thursday, you made these comments on the hill. >> a lot of people asking about invoking the 25th amendment and because it is an alarming situation the weakness in the

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white house is seen but unfortunately knot the house that gets to determine that the cabinet of the constitution that makes that decision and i would ask the cabinet members to search their hearts and hope they will do their duty as they seek to do their duty to do best by the american people and ease her fateful moments. >> kayleigh: most of us have not sat across from joe biden and you have and i'm curious if you seen anything that is concerning like what america saw in the debate stage. >> i have and have had trying to be judicious about this and had press conferences about private conversations because it's been very alarming to me some of these exchanges reported because other persons knew about conversations but i'm concerned about adversaries and many to make certain that china, russian and iran is nuclear and understand u.s. military ready to act at any time with regard

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to the president, america is strong and he will defend our interests and will not second-guess that but in the meantime we're talking about the 25th amendment is because the fourth clause has never been used when the vice president and majority of the cabinet members agree the president is unfit and able and incapable of continuing his duties and i think that's what we're watching and unless the president reading off a teleprompter, idol think he's capable of making this big decisions in the something that should alarm all of us that i think people are privately murmuring but desperate times call for desperate measures and he may well be that moment. >> kayleigh: final question that the house judiciary committee has sued the district court to get the robert hur called joe biden and do you keep that take?

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>> we need that tape desperately and what they've been hiding because they did not want us to see what we also on display thursday night that the cat's out of the bag and we need that in the house needed to continue investigation which is our constitutional responsibility to review the decision of the special council who decide not to charge president biden on the classified documents case because he was incapable of standing for a trial as he is a feeble man effectively that's what he said i need to make sure the audiotape matches the transcript in a very important responsibility we have and we will not let up go to court and make the attorney general do his job. >> kayleigh: speaker of the house, always a pleasure. democrats appointed justices using today's ruling to open the floodgates on dangerous types about retaliating against political opponents and justice

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sotomayor writing, when a president uses his official power and anyway under the majority's reasoning, he will be insulated from criminal prosecution and orders navy seal team six to assassinate immune and organizers and military hold on to power immune and takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon, immune, immune." wasn't just justice sotomayor who open discussion to reprehensible acts of violence and in dissent, justice jackson state presidents killing members of their own cabinet if they wanted to using "the president may have the authority to remove the attorney general but the question here is whether the president has the option to remove the attorney general, listen to this by pelted poisoning him to death and that's what a supreme court justice wrote and as liberal justices continue to sound like left-wing activists, how will

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their rhetoric affect the highest court? joining me now judicial crisis president to justice clarence thomas, worded the majority say you could poison the ag are assassinate someone? >> i was reading it pretty quickly but i must have missed that part but what striking is on the charges brought which had nothing to do with poisoning gear cabinet or assassinating people, the court said one of them clearly covered by immunity even speaking and encouraging vice president pentz not to certified the election said absolutely out of the realm of possibility they said it's presumptively immune but further litigation that should happen the lower court to clarify so the idea of such outrageous hypotheticals with somehow

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covered by block community absolutely nuts. >> kayleigh: you still have a very aggressive special -- special council would like to see prosecution at any cost and a judge with a huge broad gag order on donald trump so you have actors that want to see this case move forward expeditiously and what he think happens to the jack smith case in dc? >> they like to see it move but don't think they'd like it going as fast as they wanted to before the election and these questions are too serious and will go all the way back and work their way back up to the supreme court because they are all novel questions about how to apply presidential immunity. >> kayleigh: thank you very much. u.s. military bases on high alert and biden is only working part-time. stay tuned. rosse country, you can count on pods to deliver when we say we will. which is why we were voted america's #1 container moving company.

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[ ♪♪ ] >> kayleigh: we're in the eye of a political storm with one debate down and one to go and trumps vpp pick could happen any day when voters are to pay attention now until november, both candidates being judged by millions of voters on everything they do and at the end of the day, campaign along drawnout job interview and the voters on the boss and want to make sure the candidate is qualified for the most important job in the country and the debate was a performance review and by the accounts of view the american people, biden bombed as after the debate 72 percent say biden is not mentally fit to serve as president. >> i have never seen numbers this is bad an incumbent president during my lifetime as

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27 percent you might say that slow but a lot of people thought biden was too old back in 2020 and these numbers look nothing like this in 2020 as these numbers were bad already and the truth is they've got in considerably worse even in a few days after the first presidential debate. >> kayleigh: and that is on cnn. they can't hide it. another poll shows 60 percent while biden replaces the nominee and i don't have to explain to you why biden flunked his performance review and you saw the debate and if you're paying attention at all, it should not have surprised you as axial's reports of biden only really works for six hours a day between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm and outside of those hours he is fatigued and we're likely to make mistakes and what his former press secretary said last year. >> president biden does nothing at 9:00 am and he is a night owl.

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>> reporter: biden is no night owl and could not cut it at the debate at 9:00 pm and we need a president at all hours of the day and not just between 10 and four. listen to this. sad shocking reality essence 2021, all hostile deaths killed in afghanistan and jordan died outside biden schedule. coincident? of biden is fatigued the rest of the day, how does that factor into his response? democrats hiding the health from the american public, for an official notice biden sloping away a long time ago as senior diplomats told wall street journal biden had a hard time following conversations and tripped over his talking points and skip big meetings and needed the secretary of state to jump in and help him during a summit and then the debate happened and the rest of the world began chiming in an asian diplomat

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said "i was shellshocked and could not believe my i." and said trump ate him alive and a european diplomat said "asad reality biden's old and getting older we saw and i had difficulties understanding what he was saying and i understand english pretty well." wow. our enemies are eyeing us as u.s. military in europe put on high alert over potential terrorist attack in a department of defence officials tells fox news credible intelligence indicates some types of terrorist attacks in the work targeting one of our bases overseas over the next week and coincidence, our enemies don't operate on it 10:00 am to 4:00 pm but they work around the clock to destroy everything we stand for and we need a president working just as hard to stop them and someone knows

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all too well is lieutenant general kellogg, former national security advisor and general kellogg, wanted to ask you the specific question. you have worked in national security and if that state north korea or russia was to send a nuke to the united states, how much time with a president and his team have to respond? >> yes thanks for having me and a limited amount of time and we ran plans on that as you have from they launch when with urine a few hours of response and what response you will have and you ask a great question there that national security at 24/7 job and those events not at 3:00 in the afternoon but 3:00 in the morning and that's we have to be prepared for. when the founding fathers noted

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one of the critical positions for jobs in the backgrounds is actually understanding the personality but energy he was talking intellectual energy and you see that going forward today most of the decisions are hard and are never easy and they come at you fast and have to respond rapidly and i told you this before, most of these happen in the middle of the night and i can tell you time and time again check your phone. >> kayleigh: just to get to that specific point, it did happen that believe there were targets and you had to call him in the morning and what happened? >> on january 1st i got a call in the middle of the night and the president and national security advisor who set our embassy in baghdad being

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attacked by pro-iranian iraqi military and the embassy starting to burn and that is code to be you get rid of the embassy so we had wake-up criteria and the president started making decisions immediately and said right away, were not losing the embassy and we thought it was the commander in a ran behind it on january 1st and said we'll respond to that 40 hours later and we was dead and that's how the president thought on more than one occasion he was very decisive and fast and he knew how to make those calls and always ready to go in the middle of the night. >> kayleigh: president trump answered the phone and not a single american soldier died on his watch meanwhile every u.s. soldier in afghanistan outside biden's working hours and it's amazing. thank you general for your

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wisdom and insight as always. >> thank you. >> kayleigh: coming up, new >> kayleigh: coming up, new epstein documents and who's really in control at the white house. that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪ mop smarter with the swiffer powermop.

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[ ♪♪ ] >> kayleigh: for republicans, joe biden's debate night struggles reaffirm what they already knew of high-profile democrats it was a political culture shock like no other. >> his performance was i sat there and watch it and i could not believe it and i said not only is this a political hydrogen bomb for him in the democratic party you know what happened? >> he should not be the nominee and you can't un- see what we've seen and it was not just a bad debate and he should step aside.

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>> this is not about if you think biden can win the election is because he's not donald trump and the real issue is is he telling the truth if he can serve the full four years? >> kayleigh: after that initial friday morning freak out, they pulled the switch and what to blame as the handlers. >> does or need to be changes? yes managing it to his schedule changes maybe even to those around him and i'll also say america needs and explanation from hunter biden. >> kayleigh: joe already has a manager and has been with them since the very beginning. >> joe, you did such a great job and answered all the questions. let me ask the crowd, what do trump to? he lied.

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>> kayleigh: that's how i speak to my 4-year-old but that is joe biden pulling the strings and she appears to be running the white house orchestrating what some might call a cover-up and a new report says the close aides have carefully shielded him from people inside and outside the white house since the beginning of his presidency and biden's closest aides often led by jill biden's top aide and deputy chief took steps early in his term to essentially rope off the president and jill is not just joe's wife and handler but the pr manager after friday marked with bright red panic on the cover of time magazine, joe collaborating with volk to do damage control creating new tone in her off-white multithousand dollar ralph lauren dress with the quote, we will decide our future and to a fitting

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depiction of reality in this month's issue of volk tells us from the biden's, the presidency has been about one thing and that is power but if you want to know what power feels like, try to get yourself driven around in a motorcade flashing lights from the perimeter as you blaze down an empty highway waiting cars backed up on entry ramps you pass if the world is holding its breath for you and that was the volk article about jill is the entire biden family clinging onto the privileges that come with being the first family and political riding biden's family privately criticizing top advisors and pushing for their removal at this weekend's cap weekend -- at camp david weekend with hunter biden reportedly encouraging his father to stay in the race while the country crashes and burn, biden cancelled all their meeting to do a family photo shoot with the

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celebrity photographer is the biden family spent the hair and makeup photo shupe katie rogers reported and joining us now and what timing to have a volk cover with the authoritative figure and you think you would hide from that in the wake of reports she is running the show but the biden harris campaign doubled down seems to be the one in charge. >> we were told the adults we're back in the room and talk about tone deaf and a few things to note for starters, milani at trump was a supermodel and first lady and never approached by volk to pose for a cover and i wonder why that is witches we know why. the media attempting to glorify the current first lady and joe biden even though for years

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she's covered up her husband obvious mental decline because of our own ambitions and zest for power and we hear about reports of hunter biden urging his father to stay in the race but, of course, whether any biden they all want joe to stay in power because these otherwise completely unqualified individuals for any job in any compensation like working for a ukrainian energy company having zero qualification to do so and unless there is joe biden in power, still millions coming in and so utterly sad we've come to the point of our country that the biden family only wants to play the elder abuse card to keep their own power and money that goes along with it so that's where we are with it as knows that if joe biden randa funeral home, no one would die and it's that bad but she wants

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the power and the first lady and wants for another five years apparently. >> kayleigh: i want to get said this as i've been a top west wing age and you get access but it's managed and the resident staff supposed to be with the president all of the time not joe biden's white house why this was so revealing that this was three years ago on july 4th 2021 biden hosted a party on the south lawn was a hot day hours after being outside, went to the white house through the diplomatic room and biden sat down and the door was shut as biden's aides blocked the white house as butlers and resident staff from eating the president and this was three years ago and had to have this moment and is this a cover-up? >> completely on the cover up worse than the crime in july 4th 2021 so and office less than five months and already we are hearing his aides and people

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close to him knew exactly what they were dealing with talking about joe biden's mental acuity and we've been talking about this on this network for more than three years yet others in media called us fear mongers and accuse us of producing cheap fake videos or manipulating and editing videos as basic sanity did not see what was going on with this president and any shred of credibility are media has been eviscerated over telling us what we were saying wasn't being said or presented and that's a big joke and they'll never get their credibility back as if they ever did. thank you. hundreds of new epstein documents have been released after being under wraps as national correspondent has the latest.

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>> 176 pages of graphic and disturbing grand jury transcripts are from jeffrey epstein's 2008 criminal case and the files under seal for 16 years until now and revealed prosecutors have graphic testimony about how epstein sexually abused and exploited under each girls in his florida home and one of the girls said she was only 14 years old when woman associated with epstein offered her $200 to give epstein massage of his big humongous mansion and the 14-year-old instructed to lie and tell him she was 18 when she got to his home, asked to strip down to her underwear and paid an additional $100 to allow epstein to touch her and perform a sex act in front of her and epstein in his forties at the time said the younger the better about the girls he was looking to assaults and a florida judge who released the files wrote, the details in

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the record will be outrageous to decent people in a testimony taken by the grand jury concerning activity ranging from grossly unacceptable to ralph and all the conduct is sexually deviant and criminal and the judge say important documents being made available to the public to ensure transparency and give closure to the victims now in 2008, prosecutors cut a deal allowing him to escape federal charges by pleading guilty to lesser state charges of soliciting prostitution and particular deal long criticized is way too lenient allowing the freedom for him to continue his sex crimes including at the infamous new york mansion. >> kayleigh: thank you. up next, com a look gets a rebrand. over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers

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[ ♪♪ ] >> kayleigh: joe biden's debate performance apparently made jane fonda cry. cnn reporter at an la watch party said by a few answer errors in, screaming about losing and jane fonda had tears in our eyes. out but not just hollywood's

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liberals desperate for a do over begging for a candidate who can excite the party in the best way to do that is holding open convention and cued the bright-eyed democrats of tomorrow and bill mayer bex for this and democrats could not buy with all of george soros' money the enthusiasm and engagement they would get from having an open convention and suddenly instead of rehashing the debate from hell, worst episode of the golden bachelor ever they be hosting a competition and something americans love and interesting advice but one person they'll have to get around and that is a harris. her allies frustrated democratic figures like gavin newsom and gretchen whitmer being touted more frequently than the vice president as potential biden replacements in many circles and one ally even said the fact to people keep coming back to this is so offensive to many of us that they still don't get the

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message you're sending to these people as we prefer a white person and calm all and knows joseph byelections the only shot at the oval office so she needs the party to pull joe biden over the finish line and he could bow out and she could take the spot and she should show the she's the obvious choice but are famously low approval rating is a red flag for washington establishments so once again trying to get people to like her this time reviving our cool and character. >> madame vp harris, i'm worried about the election and i know you've been travelling across the country, what if you been hearing? >> i'm out here in the streets and you were right there so much at stake in this moment that the majority of us believe in freedom and equality that these extremists as we say they are not like us. >> kayleigh: an interesting set up for a vice president trying to prove she should be

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taken seriously as commander-in-chief as former president trump not taking anything for granted as the campaign posting this video after the debate. >> spaces exciting. >> it's time for us to do what we're doing and that time is every day, every time every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools available to us to slow this thing down and i can imagine what can be and be unburdened. >> kayleigh: other bad news how media undermine democracy, she joins me now is that quote, yeah, girl i'm in the streets, as anyone believes she's in the streets? last i heard the naval observatory. >> what's been bothering me a lot from the debate is that the

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democrats don't seem upset at the job biden is doing or about inflation or the open border or the fact that most americans now cannot become first-time homeowners only upset he did not do a better job lying about those things in the same thing with common law harris at their knot upset she is incapable of contributing anything to the ticket but upset she can to a better job of faking it and i think that gets to the heart what the democrat party has become because if you are the democrats base multiply credentialed person in the top 10 percent the joe biden's american has been very good for you as you have the student loans paid off your home value is worth so much more and so many fewer people competing for goods because they cannot afford them all these illegal immigrants for you to hire and you don't have to pay as much as you pay in american so to their

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base, a really good time so they actually don't think joe biden's doing a bad job but they want to lie about a better so 60 percent of hard-working americans struggling will not realize what's going on as if they could be wrong about that. >> kayleigh: democrats need a truman show where it's false reality that doesn't exist as a new polling came out and donald trump is leading in new hampshire by two points and gretchen whitmer warned michigan's off the table but if you don't win new hampshire, don't begin to think about michigan but what's curious to me is the biden campaign putting out polling data showing them that we have a new poll biden's down by one sending a fundraising e-mail and that's not a good sign. >> is so amazing to see

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fundraising e-mails that you're bragging that you're losing because you're losing by less of your vice president do such a weird situation to bn at the end of the day working class americans weather black or hispanic or white or asian our understanding there are two options and one of them is really bad and one is speaking their language and that's donald trump. coming up, a rare look at the life of one of america's greatest presidents.

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hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪ [ ♪♪ ] >> kayleigh: according to a fox news poll, vast majority can identify president george washington's greatest achievements for what they don't know the true story of washington's rise to power in a new series hosted by kelsey grammer, to get an inside look on president washington's early life as george offers a rarely

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seen perspective on rarely seen famous father told with expert commentary and in today's political climate keeping washington's story alive is more important than ever. >> if we consistently try to skip our history and diminish it or delete it even. we will end up in the world of scarce number of examples to point to and we have an abundance of examples to point to a people self-serving and not willing to die for anything accept maybe the next handout. >> kayleigh: it's fantastic and i have seen several of the screeners and their wonderful watch the wonderful dock you series hosted by kelsey grammer available right now exclusively on fox nation now it has been a

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busy news week and i can barely keep up and you can tell a lot about a white house based on leaks there are occasional leaks in the trump administration and biden and ministration very tight and you don't often hear from inside the white house a former resident staff reformer press secretaries but that is all changing as every single day since the debate on thursday, you wake up to new headlines stories about president biden's mental acuity and leaks from inside and who's in control and we know the answer to that is joe biden but tomorrow were bound to get more you watch at noon to an end for jesse watters prime time tomorrow night and we will bring you all the latest from inside the white house as told through the eyes of the media. that's all for tonight. 'hannity' is next. [ ♪♪ ]

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Views: 6748

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.