NEXRAD Radar Operations Center - Wind Farm Papers and Briefings (2024)

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Wind Farm Related References

The Radar Operations Center provides the following websites and references to the general public and may be used for reference. Please note: Techniques, ranges, limits, etc. mentioned in older documents may be out of date.


US Wind Tubine Database

Natinal Telecommunications and Information Administration

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

American Clean Power

References (Year/Alphabetical)

Richardson, L., A. Losey-Bailor, J. Krause, B. Ward, 2023: An Updated Wind Turbine Impact Assessment Method Applied to the WSR-88D Network. 40th Conference on Radar Meteorology, Minneapolis, MN, August 2023.

CGH Technologies Inc., 2022: Obstruction Evaluation/Airport Airspace Analysis (version 2022-NOV.7). FAA, accessed on February 21, 2023,

Leijnse, H., R. Teschl, H. Paulitsch, F. Teschl, G. Holmes, and L. F. Sidselrud, 2022: OPERA-4: On the coexistence of weather radars and wind turbines, 63 pp,

Lantz, E. J., J. O. Roberts, J. Nunemaker, E. DeMeo, K. L. Dykes, and G. N. Scott, 2019: Increasing Wind Turbine Tower Heights: Opportunities and Challenges. Golden, CO, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, NREL/TP-5000-73629, 65 pp.,

Hoen, B.D., J. E. Diffendorfer, J. T. Rand, L. A. Kramer, C. P. Garrity, H. E. and Hunt, 2018: United States Wind Turbine Database v5.3 (Jan 1, 2023). U.S. Geological Survey, American Clean Power Association, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory data release,

Beauchamp, R. M. and V. Chandrasekar, 2017: Suppressing Wind Turbine Signatures in Weather Radar Observations. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55, No. 5, 2546-2562,

NOAA, 2017: WSR-88D Meteorological Observations: Part C - WSR-88D Products and Algorithms. Federal Meteorological Handbook No. 11, FCM-H11C-2017, 396 pp.,

WMO, 2017: Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation. 2014 Edition, updated in 2017. Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, WMO No. 8, 1177 pp.,

Angulo, I., D. De La Vega, I. Cascón, J. Cañizo, Y. Wu, D. Guerra, and P. Angueira, 2014: Impact analysis of wind farms on telecommunication services. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 32, 84-99,

Ciardi, E. J., 2013: Wind Farms and the WSR-88D, 2013 Update. Newsletter, 4pp.

Crum, T. D., E. J. Ciardi, J. B. Boettcher, M. J. Istok, and A. Stern, 2013: How the WSR-88D and its new Dual Polarization capability can benefit the wind energy industry. 93rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2013, Austin, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 794-802, (Poster)

OSHA, 2013: 29 CFR Part 1910--Subpart G-Occupational Health and Environmental Control Ch.1910.97 Nonionizing Radiation, (See also Subpart R- Special Industries Ch.1910.268 Telecommunications)

Vogt, R. J., T. D. Crum, E. J. Ciardi, 2012: How to Successfully Work with NOAA on Wind Turbine - Radar Interference Issues, An Update. WINDPOWER 2012, American Wind Energy Association Conference and Exhibition, Atlanta, GA,

Crum, T. D., R. J. Vogt, E. J. Ciardi, W. H. Greenwood, R. G. Guenther, 2011: Recent Changes to NOAA's Wind Turbine Impact Evaluation Process and Mitigation Efforts. AWEA Wind Power Project Siting Workshop, Kansas City, MO.

Vogt, R. J., T. D. Crum, W. Greenwood, E.J. Ciardi, R.G. Guenther, 2011: New Criteria for Evaluating Wind Turbine Impacts on NEXRAD Radars. Preprints, WINDPOWER 2011, American Wind Energy Association Conference and Exhibition, Anaheim, CA,

Vogt, R. J., T. D. Crum, W. Greenwood, E.J. Ciardi, R.G. Guenther, 2011: Recent Efforts to Improve Estimates of and Mitigation of Wind Turbine Clutter Impacts on the WSR-88D. Preprints, 27th Int. Conf. on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Seattle, WA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 3A.1.

Wilburn, D.R., 2011: Wind energy in the United States and materials required for the land-based wind turbine industry from 2010 through 2030. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5036, 22 pp,

Ohs, R.R., G. J. Skidmore, and G. Bedrosian, 2010: Modeling the effects of wind turbines on radar returns. Proceedings, 2010-MILCOM 2010 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE, San Jose, CA, IEEE, 272-276,

Vogt, R. J., T. D. Crum, E. J. Ciardi, R. G. Guenther, W. H. Greenwood, 2010: How NEXRAD Weather Radar Data Can Benefit the Wind Energy Industry. Preprints, WINDPOWER 2010, American Wind Energy Association Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, TX.

Isom, B. M., and Coauthors, 2009: Detailed Observations of Wind Turbine Clutter with Scanning Weather Radars. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 26, 894-910,

Vogt, R. J., T. D. Crum, J. B. Sandifer, R. Steadham, T.L. Allmon, G. Secrest, E.J. Ciardi, R. Guenther, R. Palmer, 2009: Continued Progress in Assessing and Mitigating Wind Farm Impacts on WSR-88Ds. Preprints, 25th Int. Conf. on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Phoenix, AZ, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 11B.6,

Vogt, R. J., T.D. Crum, J. B. Sandifer, E. J. Ciardi, and R. Guenther, 2009: A way forward, wind farm - weather radar coexistence. Preprints, WINDPOWER 2009, American Wind Energy Association Conference and Exhibition, Chicago, IL,

American Wind Energy Association, 2008: Wind Energy Siting Handbook, 183 pp.

Burgess, D. W., T. D. Crum T. D., and R. J. Vogt, 2008: Impacts of wind farms on WSR-88D radars. Preprints, 24th Int. Conf. on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 6B.3,

Cheong, B. L., R. Palmer, M. Xue, 2008: A Time Series Radar Simulator Based on High-Resolution Atmospheric Models, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 25, 230-243.

Kent, B.M., K.C. Hill, A. Buterbaugh, G. Zelinski, R. Hawley, L. Cravens, Tri-Van, C. Vogel, and T. Coveyou, 2008: Dynamic radar cross section and radar Doppler measurements of commercial General Electric windmill power turbines Part 1: Predicted and measured radar signatures. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 50, No 2., 211-219,

Mitre Corporation (JASON), 2008: Report to Department of Homeland Security, Wind Farms and Radar, 18 pp.

NTIA (Dept of Commerce), July 2008: Technical Report TR-08-454, Assessment of the Effects of Wind Turbines on Air Traffic Control Radars, 19 pp.

Vogt, R. J., T. Crum, J. Reed, J. Sandifer, R. Palmer, B. Isom, J. Snow, D. Burgess and M. Paese, 2008: Weather Radars and Wind Farms - Working Together for Mutual Benefit. Poster, American Wind Energy Association WINDPOWER 2008, Houston, TX.

Grochocinski, G., 2007: Weather Radar's Perspective on Wind Farms. Briefing, 41 pp,

Vogt, R.J., J. R. Reed, T. Crum, J. T. Snow, R. Palmer, B. Isom, and D. W. Burgess, 2007: Impacts of wind farms on WSR-88D operations and policy considerations. Preprints, 23rd Int. Conf. on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, San Antonio, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 5B.7,

Vogt, R. J., T. Crum, J. R. Reed, C. A. Ray, J. Chrisman, R. Palmer, B. Isom, D. Burgess, and M. Paese 2007: Weather Radars and Wind Farms - Working Together for Mutual Benefit. Preprints, WINDPOWER 2007, American Wind Energy Association Conference and Exhibition, Los Angeles, CA

DOD, 2006: Report to the Congressional Defense Committees, The Effect of Windmill Farms on Military Readiness, 62 pp,

Gao, J., K. Brewster, and M. Xue, 2006: A comparison of the radar ray path equations and approximations for use in radar data assimilations. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 23, 190-198,

NOAA, 2005: Doppler Radar Meteorological Observations: Part B - Doppler Radar Theory and Meteorology. Federal Meteorological Handbook No. 11, FCM-H11B-2005, 219 pp.,

Simmons, K. M. and D. Sutter, 2005: WSR-88D Radar, Tornado Warnings and Tornado Casualties. Wea. Forecasting, 20, 301-310.

QinetiQ Ltd, 2003: Report to the United Kingdom's Department of Trade and Industry, Wind Farm Impacts on Radar Aviation Interests—Final Report, Report W/14/00614/00/REP, 86 pp.

FCC, 1996: 47 CFR Parts 1, 2, 15, 24 and 97, Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation, Federal Communications Commission,

Wilczak, J. M., and Coauthors, 1995: Contamination of Wind Profiler Data by Migrating Birds: Characteristics of Corrupted Data and Potential Solutions. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 12, 449-467,<0449:COWPDB>2.0.CO;2.

Crum, T. D. and R. L. Alberty, 1993: The WSR-88D and the WSR-88D Operational Support Facility. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 74, 1669-1687.<1669:TWATWO>2.0.CO;2

DOD, 1993: Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference Emissions and Susceptibility, Military Standard, MIL-STD-461D, 284 pp,

Doviak, R. J., and D. S. Zrnić, 1993: Doppler Radar and Weather Observations. 2nd ed. Dover Publications, 562 pp.

NEXRAD Radar Operations Center - Wind Farm Papers and Briefings (2024)


How many NEXRAD radars are there in the US? ›

NEXRAD or Nexrad (Next-Generation Radar) is a network of 159 high-resolution S-band Doppler weather radars operated by the National Weather Service (NWS), an agency of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) within the United States Department of Commerce, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ...

What does NEXRAD stand for in aviation? ›

NEXRAD detects, processes, and distributes for display hazardous and routine weather information. Through a joint program, the Department of Commerce's National Weather Service (NWS), Department of Defense (DoD), and FAA developed NEXRAD.

How does NEXRAD radar work? ›

NEXRAD (Next Generation Radar) obtains weather information (precipitation and wind) based upon returned energy. The radar emits a burst of energy (green in the animated image). If the energy strikes an object (rain drop, snowflake, hail, bug, bird, etc), the energy is scattered in all directions (blue).

Why do wind farms show up on radar? ›

Wind turbines can cause interference for radar systems because their large towers and moving blades reflect electromagnetic radiation.

Who runs NEXRAD? ›

The NEXRAD system is a joint effort of the U.S. Departments of Commerce, Defense, and Transportation. The controlling agencies are the NWS, Air Force Weather Agency, and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

How accurate is NEXRAD? ›

The study con- cluded that NEXRAD precipitation estimates were 5–10% less than rain gauge estimates overall for the three-year study period, and further that NEXRAD tended to underestimate rainfall for storm events.

What frequency is the NEXRAD radar? ›

NEXRAD stations use the Weather Surveillance Radar - 1988, Doppler (WSR-88D) system. This is a 10 cm wavelength (S-Band) radar that operates at a frequency between 2,700 and 3,000 MHz.

Can NEXRAD penetrate weather? ›

The Owner's Manual for the GPS device specifically states that NEXRAD weather data should be used for "long-range planning purposes only," and not to "penetrate hazardous weather," as the "NEXRAD data is not real time." The NTSB meteorologist determined that the NEXRAD mosaic images were up to eight minutes, 22 seconds ...

What are the limitations of NEXRAD radar? ›

This has created a revolution in the way pilots approach thunderstorm avoidance, but one of the biggest limitations of NEXRAD is also the biggest lure into bad weather—a time delay. NEXRAD radars take multiple vertical and horizontal scans, which are then collated with other stations prior to broadcast.

Can NEXRAD detect clouds? ›

There seems to be a mixing of terms---Satellites generally show clouds; Radar/Nexrad generally shows precip and not clouds so you have to be using/comparing images of one kind, radar to radar and satellite to satellite not one to the other.

What is NEXRAD level 3 radar? ›

NEXRAD Level 3 products are used to remotely detect atmospheric features, such as precipitation, precipitation-type, storms, turbulence and wind, for operational forecasting and data research analysis.

Why are wind farms not turning? ›

The most common reason that turbines stop spinning is because the wind is not blowing fast enough. Most wind turbines need a sustained wind speed of 9 MPH or higher to operate. Technicians will also stop turbines to perform routine maintenance or repairs.

How are wind farms monitored? ›

The most commonly used sensors for Wind Turbine Condition monitoring are: Accelerometers to detect bearing faults, and gear tooth failures.

Why do wind turbines stop when it's windy? ›

As the wind speed continues to increase, the power generated by the turbine remains constant until it eventually hits a cut-out speed (varies by turbine) and shuts down to prevent unnecessary strain on the rotor.

How many FAA radars are there? ›

Over 750 ground-based radar systems continue to serve as the NAS surveillance backbone, and provide coverage to: Monitor airspace where Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) is not required. Detect aircraft not equipped with either ADS-B or a beacon transponder.

What radar does the U.S. military use? ›

AN/TPQ-53. Developed for the U.S. Army, the solid-state phased array AN/TPQ-53 radar system, or, Q-53, detects, classifies, tracks and determines the location of enemy indirect fire in either 360 or 90 degree modes.

Does the U.S. have an over the horizon radar? ›

The United States Navy created their own system, the AN/TPS-71 ROTHR (Relocatable Over-the-Horizon Radar), which covers a 64-degree wedge-shaped area at ranges from 500 to 1,600 nautical miles (925 to 3,000 km).

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.